September 3, 2001
In August of 2001, the Sentinel Group released a sequel to Transformations, titled "Transformations II: the Glory Spreads". This was a deviation from the previous film in that one of the three locations reviewed had their revival over 50 years ago, well before the strategic spiritual warfare approach advocated by George Otis Jr. came into being.
You can find the current findings on Transformations II here:
Background to the People Involved
The "Spiritual Mapping" of Youth With A Mission
When the film was shown locally, it was done as part of a campaign to introduce "Strategic Prayer" and Spiritual Warfare" into the local church to create a local revival. One of the initial parts of this effort was to provide copies of a prayer guide titled 120 Days of Prayer for Your City - God's New Millenium for Your City. We have prepared a short review of some excerpts from this guide.